Monday, October 31, 2011

Knitted Angry Birds and Android soft toys

I've not been updating this blog but actually I've been very productive and creative this whole Winter. Some of you would know that I renewed my interest in knitting again, after a 15 year break. And this is my latest product, Mr Android, completed 3 days ago.

Looking back on the last three months, I've come a long way from my first project - a simple black ribbed scarf. 

My knitting journey started on a wintery day in July 2011 with thoughts of a warm woolly scarf around my husband's neck as he walks from one block to another in the city. I dug up my one and only knitting needle, a 4mm circular needle (thank God I bought it along when we moved to Oz), purchased my first ball of yarn for $2, a black arcylic one and sat down with a friend who refreshed my memory on how to knit and purl. Unfortunately, that black scarf never got longer than 1 metre as I don't have much patience with knitting and purling over and over again on plain black yarn. It's a slow, repetitive and non-stimulating process so before long, I moved on newer challenges. I started knitting with different yarns and trying out more difficult knitting techniques, following instructions and learning new patterns from knitting books borrowed from the library.

XX's beanie which he wore for the whole winter
Scarves matured to beanies and I soon made Three Scarves and A Beanie. Since then, another 3 more beanies were made, one for each of the boys in my family. I also started on a bigger project, making a knitted poncho for myself that saw me purchasing 11 balls of pure merino and alpaca yarn. I'll put up a photo when I eventually finish it.

A wool beanie for Hubby modelled by XX.

A Fair Isle beanie for KK where I experimented with mixing colours.

The next thing I know, I experimented with making knitted soft toys. Thanks to a book called Knitted Toy Tales. They were small projects and the end results gave my children much enjoyment. Believe it or not, even boys love soft toys! They will bring them to bed and have lots of fun tossing, squeezing and talking to them. And they keep requesting for more! 

In the beginning, there were 2 bunnies, a penguin and an owl.

Mr Hoot for KK while Bunny 2 and Pingu belongs to XX

Bunny 3 for KK

Then a red Angry Bird joined them. But he soon flew to Singapore as a gift for the male person who requested him and gave me that inspiration. It's my first attempt and a really poor imitation but it was very challenging trying to adapt what I know to create matching features of the original cartoon character.   

My sons pestered me for more Angry Birds and a King Pig. KK wanted a black one, who is currently awaiting its eyes and XX wanted the tiny pale blue one which I've completed. Unfortunately, unlike it's cartoon version, this one cannot split into three when you throw him. The King Pig is my most satisfied creation so far. For these latest soft toys, I did not follow any instructions from books but instead created them by adapting existing patterns of knitted animal shapes.

Seeing so many Angry Birds being born, an Android fan in my family (who else) requested for an Android soft toy as well. It was a unique request and not that difficult to achieve. So he was granted his wish too. 

I had so much fun knitting this Winter and am glad the knitted stuff I made were used and appreciated by my family. I now have a whole box of different coloured yarns so it looks like knitting will be another craft that I'll continue to pursue. I'm still quilting and stitching, currently working on a sashiko wall hanging, though that has taken a back seat this whole winter. Come Spring, I might just take a break from knitting for a while. Well, maybe until my next requests from my boys comes along...:)