Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I was in a crafty mood that day. I completed the last stitches to that 80" quilt that I promised I'll make for my mother and started playing around with the fabrics for design ideas for a cushion cover for my mother-in-law's birthday. I've since completed the cushion cover as well but I'll have to delay showing both pictures on this blog until the presents have been received by the recipients.

In the midst of all the scraps and ideas, I managed to complete a little project that I've long wanted to do. A coin pouch for my husband. He's always used a coin pouch in addition to his wallet and way back (I can't even remember when), his coin pouch started falling apart. First the metal handle to the zip broke. I managed to attach a spare metal handle to it and he was alright for a while until that metal handle broke the hinge that held it. The zip still worked but opening and closing it was difficult without a handle. We had tried to buy him a replacement back in April for his birthday but that cheap pouch's zip came off even before it was used!

So it is a long overdue project. I'd bought the 4" zip weeks ago from Spotlight and finally I manged to zip it all up! Both the coudroy and white denim material are recycled from old jeans and I chose them because they're stronger fabrics. Hope you'll like it, Hubby! All that's missing are the letters "LV".